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Comments from some of our petitioners


First, whitefellas. Then donkeys, camels, horses and rabbits. The emus disappeared, as have many of the small roos. The invasion continued.
Kaikuya and other grasses appeared, followed by sheep. Then came the cattle.
Bit by bit we have allowed animals, plants, viruses and grog to eke away at the traditional belonging places and the Ngarinyin, Worrora and Wanumbal peoples of the plateau country. Now we have the toad. They are a metaphor for the way we have treated the original peoples for a century. Let''s stop it now.
Hannah Rachel Bell

We will never have a better chance to control this environmental menace and I urge all action required to mount a coordinated and effective attack on its advance as soon as is possible.
Chris Ferreira

If we do nothing...... the only tourist attraction in the North West to be counting the number of cane toads you can spot from your hotel room.......

I do believe we have an opportunity to stop the cane toad now. It just requires a determined effort and the funding for the people on the ground. We must do everything we can to save what is still left of these beautiful ecosystems, most especially for our future generations.
Rosemary Elbery

The Kimberley may be far away from Perth, but it is still home to Western Australians, what affects them affects all Western Australians and all of this wonderful state we call home. Don''t wait till it affects a large enough percentage of the population to become economically viable, stop it NOW so most of the population don''t even have to think that it could happen to them in 4 months, a year, whatever. You have a responsibility to the whole state and not just the populated areas who provide most the votes

As a Year 9 student from Rossmoyne Senior High School, I can say that my teacher as well as some of my schoolmates are deeply involved with the cane toad issue and striving to design ways to inform the community on the issue and motivate them to take actions. As a class we are working together and sharing our ideas with each other to attempt to answer this issue, regardless of our nationality, race or gender. Please take into consideration any suggestions that we may have to offer to you, and, if possible, advise us as soon as possible on any queries which need to be answered in order to have a clearer picture of what needs to be done.
Scott Ashby

We will never have a better chance to control this environmental menace and I urge all action required to mount a co ordinated and effective attack on its advance as soon as is possible.
Chris Ferreira

I have lived in the Kimberleys and now reside in the rugard Pilbara. Our whole state is an amazing creation and the Northwest is an unspoilt part of Australia and fact an unspoilt part of the world. I cant understand why we wouldn''t want to protect against and introduced Vernom like the dreaded Cnae toad lets not leave it to it''s to late.
I want my Children and there Children to enjoy it as much as I have lets do something and do it now.
John Hanlon

Having lived in far north Queensland, I am aware of the impact that cane toads have on native opulations of both flora and fauna and of the economic impact of this pest. It seems unthinkable that, given that we have the wisdom of seeing the evidence of what is at stake and the opportunity to act to prevent this, we may instead do nothing. Please accept this as an issue requiring urgent and well-considered action. Thank you
Anne Pettit

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  Perth Vetinary Specialists

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