Toad News
15 September 2007
Letter from the STTF Chairperson to supporters
Dear Stop The Toad Foundation Supporter,
It’s that time of year again and the Stop the Toad Foundation
(STTF) is planning the Great Cane Toad Muster which is being based
at Timber Creek (and surrounds) from September 22 to October 14
Again, we are seeking your support to ensure that the exercise
has every opportunity to succeed.
Last year the exercise delivered excellent results. It attracted
120 volunteers from all over the world and after 38 days of intense
cane toad busting the nett result was over 48,000 toads removed
from what we considered were significant front line locations.
The removal of cane toads at a landscape scale is incredibly important
in the ongoing battle against this invasive pest. Over 50 tonnes
of toads have been removed from habitats in the Northern Territory
by volunteer groups intent on protecting the world class values
of Western Australia.
The planning and resourcing of the Great Toad Muster is a costly
exercise that needs your support. There are a multitude of logistical
and strategic planning issues that need to be taken into account
when undertaking an event of this magnitude.
To achieve our aims of devastating cane toad populations before
they impact on Western Australia, the Foundation is seeking your
support to continue the good fight. The Foundation also has Deductible
Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Taxation Office.
We are seeking assistance in the areas of financial and in kind
support. These include camping equipment, transport for volunteers,
camp hosting, safety and first aid training, communications equipment,
aerial surveys, food and catering, supply of products such as carbon
dioxide cylinders, heavy duty clear plastic bags, torches, rechargeable
batteries and handheld spotlights and heavy duty 50cm rolls of shade
cloth and other fencing materials such as star pickets, tie wire,
cable ties.
The Great Toad Muster 06 resulted from a financial input from the
STTF of over $120, 000 and the exercise would not have been possible
without our ‘sponsors’. Companies including Auvergne
Station, SlingAir/Heliwork, Air Liquide, AllGear Kununurra, Barwick
Wines, Matsos Brewery Broome, Skywest, Lotterywest, FrogwatchNT
and The Community Government Council of Timber Creek contributed
cash, in-kind or on ground support that was imperative in making
the Great Toad Muster 06 viable.
At a recent ‘Breakthrough Seminar’ in Perth, scientists
presented information on a naturally occurring lung worm that appears
to kill young toads; a pheromone based product that appears to be
toad specific and is capable of stressing toad tadpoles and the
development of a ‘quick kill’ product that may have
immense application in community and home protection scenarios.
All of these recent ‘breakthroughs’ have come about
as a result of the community efforts of volunteers providing a ‘buffer’
of time to allow dedicated researchers to investigate solutions
to the big picture of toad management.
In 2006, the Muster attracted huge media coverage and over 120
volunteers from all over the world and Australia attended; to date
the STTF has received expressions of interest from many people who
wish to travel to the Muster area near Timber Creek in the Northern
Territory and be part of the on ground battle in 2007.
We look forward to your organisation joining us in the battle to
keep Western Australia cane toad free and protect the unique native
species and habitats that define this state.
Please contact our sponsorship coordinator Fiona Rafferty to find
out how you can become part of this community initiative ([email protected]
, Ph: 08 9420 7266).
Yours faithfully
Robert Edel
July 13, 2007